My Friends  

Mихаил Лежнев, "ЛесДревМаш", Moskow. Former geophysicist and as well as the father of Julia Lezhneva

Владимир Евгеньевич Подошвин, ООО "МП Электра", senior geophysicist, Sakhalin

Ираида Гриценко, All Russia Geological Institute, also watercolor amateur artists, S. Peterburg, Russia

Др.Павел Лойтерис, Лойтер Павел Павлович, former geophysicist, PhD (Far East tectonics), now director LoiterioBioimunologijosservisasLtd., biotechnology, Kauno 3A ,Vilnius, LT-03212, Lithuania, Теl. +3705216 01 38, Fax+3705 216 02 27, Vilno, Litvinia. Hobby - to travel (316 cities and 56 countries , 2012)

Лаптев Игорь, former geophysicist and sport dancer, now an emeritus teacher of Physics, S.Peterburg, Russia

Дербина Лариса,engineer programmer, Poltava, Ucraina

Флюра Aбрамова, activist of the Scientology Organization

Aлла Aнисимова ( Богатова), геолог

Taskia Mlnikova, microbiologist, PhD, Kasan University, Russia

My friends
My teachers
We discussed some problems together
The Queen of the Opera - Julia Lezhneva

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